Product Description
Margaret River Market Garden’s Farm (once known as the Organic Veggie Shop), is just north of Margaret River. Ian, known fondly as “Shorty” has been farming almost his whole life! The farm is no longer certified organic, however Shorty is passionate about using organic methods and he does not use any harmful chemicals or pesticide on his farm. You’ll find Shorty at the market every Saturday morning with his huge range of seasonal fruit & veggies. His strawberries are simply the sweetest you’ll taste. Such a wonderful variety including tomatoes – regular, romas & cherries; beans, peas, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflowers (white, purple & green), silverbeet, kale, pumpkin, beetroot, eggplants, capsicum, cabbage, cucumbers… fruits -mainly citrus, strawberries, plums, and (if you’re lucky apricots & nectarines).
Farmers: Ian (Shorty) Padman & Clint Padman
Produce: Seasonal fruit & vegetables